

(1) (A) (d)  (B) (b)  (C) (a)
(2) A (a)  E (d)
(3) 単にお金に関することではないし、また単に遺伝子に関することでもない。



(4) (前)for (後)is
(5) similar
(6) 成り上がりの若者が、長期的な成功と引き換えに短期的な成功を選んだ。


(1) アメリカの大抵の州におけるように「妥協できない不一致」が原因で離婚できる、ということに慣れている人は誰でもショックを受けることになるだろう。
(2) 裁判所はそれから、離婚を認めるべきかどうか、そしてもし認めるならばどの条件で認めるべきかを決定する。
(3) 分割払い


It is a sento, or public bathhouse, that is no longer in use. A sento is a public bathhouse that charges an entrance fee. It is divided into two parts according to sex, and each part has a dressing room and a large bathtub. With the rising standard of living in Japan, baths are now commonplace in private homes. Accordingly, the use of sento has been in decline. In the old days, a sento acted as a gathering place for neighbors where they could chat as well as bathe. But with the weakening of neighborhood ties, fewer people are using bathhouses as a place for communication. (106 words)


(1) shoehorn (2) Nobel Prize in Physics
(3) tag (4) baggage room
(5) fortune-telling (6) stall
(7) rice cooker (8) graduate school
(9) shoplifting (10) veto



It is necessary for Japan to build smoother cooperative ties with other countries in the international community. For this purpose, promoting mutual understanding with other nations is an important task. From this standpoint, the promotion of foreign tourists to Japan is significant in deepening their understanding of the country.


問1. A ニ   B ハ
問2. 公共交通機関がまだ十分に発達していない都市においてのみ、タクシーが一般大衆のための輸送手段となっている。
問3. タクシーが、追加料金が付く深夜に客を乗せようと、深夜前に一時的にいなくなること。
問4. cause


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