
問1. 妙高高原がツェルマットの姉妹都市であるのには十分理由があるのだ。
問2. (A) ア (B) ウ (D) エ
問3. for
問4. 淡水
問5. ア:4分の1 イ:スキー/ワカサギ釣り(順不同)
ウ:マス エ:死

地価を除いて、 日本における商品やサービスの価格は、収入と比較して他の先進国における同じ商品やサービスの価格と本質的に異なるものではない。ホテルでのおいしい食事と一泊、新品のステレオシステム、あるいは私立学校の授業料に、日本の家庭は、アメリカの家庭がかけるであろうと同じ、総収入に占める割合のお金をかけるのだ。

Tanshin-funin is a practice often seen in Japanese companies. It describes the act of employees leaving their family behind to take up a new post in another city or country, often for a span of two or three years. The main reasons why families are not brought along are: the children's schooling, the need to care for elderly parents, possessing one's own home, and a spouse's job. When children are at high school, changing schools is not really possible. It is because, since high school education is not compulsory, mid-year enrolment is not accepted. Moving becomes very difficult when you have elderly parents to look after. When you have your own home, there are the issues of property management. Even if your spouse has a job, companies don't take this into consideration, and so the only choices are that they have to quit or they live apart. (147 words)


(1) (a) (2) (d) (3) (c) (4) (b)
(5) (c) (6) (a) (7) (d) (8) (b)

(1) earthquake disaster (2) human traffic
(3) cash on delivery (4) toothpick
(5) cultured fish (6) postal order
(7) goodwill ambassador (8) independent administrative agency
(9) living national treasure (10) lost and found

Japanese say that they place great importance on the seasons, but I cannot but think that Japanese cuisine, in fact, pays little attention to them. Fruits and vegetables, which haven't fully ripened, are harvested early. Moreover, even though they aren't so delicious, they are ridiculously expensive because they are hard to come by out of season. Seasons in Europe are far more clearly defined. Asparagus come into season in early summer, as do mushrooms and wild game in autumn, oysters and scallops in winter. My mouth starts to water just thinking about them. In Japan, scallops can be found year round, which is simply due to the advancement of freezing technology. I'm not sure if this is good news.

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