


この本、 "Gogues en Vogue"は、その下品なタイトルを「トレンディーなトイレ」と上品に訳すことができるが、おいしいフランス料理を目当てにフランスの首都を訪れる大勢の外国人の中には、この本を 読んでみたいという人たちが 出てくるかもしれない。




(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


(1) due (2) assumptions
(3) apology (4) not
(5) unaware (6) admission
(7) fault (8) social
(9) lubricant (10) responsibility


"Tera" are Buddhist temples, while "jinja" are Shinto shrines. At most Buddhist temples, there are Buddhist statues in the main hall. At Shinto shrines there are torii gateways at the entrance. A torii consists of two upright posts connected at the top by two horizontal crosspieces.
(46 words)

"Tera" are Buddhist temples, while "jinja" are Shinto shrines. Funeral and memorial services are usually held at temples, while happy events are normally celebrated at shrines. A Shinto shrine has a torii, or gateway, at the entrance. Inside the main hall of a temple there are usually Buddhist statues. (49 words)


(1) 少年法 Juvenile Law
(2) 鍼治療 acupuncture
(3) 糖尿病 diabetes
(4) 食品添加物 food additive
(5) 非識字率 illiteracy rate / rate of illiteracy
(6) 実印 (officially) registered seal
(7) 銀行の取り付け騒ぎ run on a bank
(8) chrysanthemum
(9) コンビニ convenience store
(10) 牛丼 bowl of rice topped with seasoned beef and onions


2 According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), international tourists numbered 592 million in 1996, and the revenue from these tourists reached US$423 billion. International tourism has become the world's biggest export item, exceeding crude oil and petroleum products. By the year 2010, the WTO expects the number of international tourists to reach 937 million.


問1 than

問2 Does Sony have a case?

1. メーカーも小売業者もコストを削減できる。
2. 消費者が製品のことをよく知った上で製品を選ぶことができる。
3. 価格は上昇しない。

問4 (イ)

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