

(1) (A) not  (B) by  (D) in
(2) ニ All
(3) イ bother
(4) 自転車を利用する人の数(11字)
(5) どんなに注意してもすべての自転車事故がなくなるものではない。
(6) 酒場で酒類が割引になるサービスタイム。(19字)


(1) 国外在住者にとっては、特にアメリカ人の国外在住者はそうなのだが、二重の納税義務、つまり、在住していて所得を得ている国に対する納税義務と、自分の国籍しだいでは自国の税務当局に対する納税義務、という可能性があるので、課税はさらに複雑 なものになる。

(2) 家賃、水道光熱費、帰国休暇費用や他のどんな手当てに対しても自分のために会社が出してくれるいかなる支払い金をも所得として申告しなければならない。


In Japan, private health insurance is basically unavailable. Instead, Japan has set up a "universal health care system" where everyone must pay into either a national or social health insurance policy. Under the present national health insurance scheme, all policy-holders must bear 30 percent of their medical costs. Non-Japanese residents can enter the national scheme through their local government office. Also, since many Japanese doctors do not speak a foreign language, you should ask someone to accompany you as an interpreter or look for a bilingual clinic. Moreover, some hospitals and dentists only accept outpatients on an appointment basis, so you should find this out in advance. (107 words)


(1) Coming-of-Age Day
(2) the self-employed
(3) child abuse
(4) swing
(5) mackerel
(6) pedometer
(7) fire drill
(8) the second anniversary of a personユs death
(9) athlete's foot
(10) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport


With the development of IT (Information Technology), starting with the Internet, the use of e-commerce targeting general consumers is growing rapidly around the world, especially in the US. In 1998, the scale of the global online retail market was only 9 billion dollars, but in 2002 this figure is expected to reach up to 102.8 billion dollars. In particular, travel packages are well suited to e-commerce, which requires no store, and consumers determine product purchases based on the information provided, without seeing the actual product. E-commerce is expected to continue developing as an indispensable means of distribution in various areas of the tourism industry.


(1) enough
(2i) 海洋学者
(2ii) 警戒時には、運河の底に設置した可動水門を圧縮空気で起こし、海水をせき止める方法。(40字)
(3) 大気が変化する頻度が少なくなったり、変化の度合が小さくなる見込みは全くない。(38字)


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